Tri-Greek Council To Create Educational Musical To Highlight Dangers Of Hazing

In light of several high profile hazing incidents, leaders of Pan-Hel, IFC and MLGC organizations have moved to educate new members through a unique and creative forum: a musical. The musical will include both original and classic songs in order educate new members on the dangers of hazing at Cornell.

Greg Michaelson, the associate creative director of the Tri-Greek council, told Cornell Nooz that the show would include modern twists on old classics as well as several original numbers. Greg exclaimed “I’m sure songs like Who Turned off the Lights and Don’t put your Finger in there are really going to resonate with new members.” He told us he was especially excited for the dance choreography in the song Take Eric to the Hospital.

The musical, which is expected to cost under $2000 dollars, has been touted by the administration as a “great, educational and fun way to prevent new members from engaging in sexually humiliating and potential life threatening hazing activities”.