Seeking to fill a void in science requirements, the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences is now offering a class on plants. The class was created after several complaints concerning the difficulty of current science requirements. Classes like Bugs and Rocks were apparently “too difficult for most of the Communication and AEM majors taking them” according to college registrar Trisch McDonald. McDonald went on to explain that the goal of CALS was to prepare students for their careers. “We received a lot of complaints from companies like Goldman Sachs and Deloitte that students didn’t know enough about plants.”
Course Professor Jeffrey Damon told Nooz that “by the end of the semester, students will be able to identify and differentiate a tree, a bush, and even a cactus.” Damon went on to tell Nooz, that he’s very excited to teach students the art of recognizing aspects of nature like “tree bark, leaves, and branches.”
Part of the class will include “going outside”, “sitting on grass” and “looking at dirt”. When asked if birds would be covered in the curriculum, Professor Damon respond “No they won’t, birds are not plants.”