Ezrahub Endorsed as Cornell’s most Reputable News Source

The Princeton review collegiate newspaper rankings recently redacted their placement of the Cornell Daily Sun as the number one collegiate news publication, instead replacing it with the critically acclaimed site ezrahub.com.

Princeton review chairman William Tukling explained to CU Nooz, “We reviewed our numbers, and realized no one actually reads the Sun. Meanwhile, thousands of students read Ezrahub for its opinionated, entitled and wildly inaccurate news coverage every day.” Tukling continued by expressing his disappointment in the Sun’s liberal tone, and praising Ezrahub for it’s “creative license” when it comes to the use of both spelling and grammar.

Top posts like Roommate wacks off too much/all the time.. what do>?andJust smashed a legit 9/10 after the bars (srs) (sloot)continue to enlighten and challenge readers with clever wit and calculated rhetoric. Other key discussions like I thought oceanography was easy richly detail the academic trials of our interconnected collegiate experience.

One post by an esteemed site administrator observes that “Ithaca is an economically-impoverished, overly idealistic and hippie-infested shithole,” (link),  voicing bold and important sentiments that the Sun fails to accurately touch upon.

When asked if CU Nooz was in consideration for a spot on the Princeton review list, Tuking replied “No”.