Upset with their open-armed inclusion in the Cornell Community, campus homosexuals staged a rally in Ho Plaza yesterday in order to draw attention to issues regarding their acceptance. The rally, organized by Cornell’s chapter of the Gay-Straight Alliance, sought to air grievances with the loving community Cornell has to offer. President of Cornell’s Gay-Straight Alliance Alex Warber told CU Nooz that gay Cornellians were disappointed that “they didn’t encounter the discrimination faced by their peers at similar universities.” Gay student Richard Grey explained to CU Nooz that “being gay at Cornell was simply too easy.”
Grey continued, “When I walk across the Arts Quad holding my boyfriend’s hand I expect to get a few disgusted glares from my peers. Instead, I’m greeted with warm smiles and sorority girls who want to befriend me. Wake up people, this isn’t 2018!” This year, Cornell has spent roughly $40,000 on campus acceptance initiatives.
Students watching the rally felt the Gay-Straight Alliance was misguided in their effort to re-institute sexual and gender prejudices. Straight student Jeff Willings told Nooz that “if we have to start treating the gays poorly we may have to start treating women and minorities poorly too.” Willings told Nooz that “If gay people wanted to be treated poorly they can leave New York and go somewhere less accepting like Texas or Alabama.”