ITHACA, NY – Cornell president David Skorton has announced a new policy change that is likely to affect life on campus. Professors will now be required to offer make-up exams during the first week of the finals period, available to all students, with or without a valid excuse. The move comes after many years of protest from students who have felt the injustice of having to take exams too close to Christmas.
“Its about time they did something about this,” said junior Alex Wellington. “I’ve had years where I had just two exams. One was at the beginning of exam period and one was at the end. I wasn’t able to go home early because of just one final. Tell me how that’s fair.”
While the majority of the student body welcomes the change, some students don’t think it goes far enough.
“Let’s say, for example, I have a lot of exams one year – maybe three,” said a sophomore studying Applied Economics and Management. “Isn’t it possible that the make-up exams themselves coincide? Then we’d be right back where we started.”
Despite these concerns, the policy has support from a diverse group on campus. Even professors recognize the administration for its positive change.
“This is good for our students,” said an associate professor of mathematics. “Even if it means having to leave my house more than once in the month of December.”